No estamos destinados a esperar cosas de un libro, no en realidad. No deberíamos, pero lo hacemos.

En este universo literario, un libro sería nuestro mejor ejemplo.
Un libro debería ser algo que nos sorprenda, un objeto que despierta nuestras mentes dormidas y abre la más maravillosa puerta en nosotros. De hecho, esa es una de las razones de toda su existencia.
Cuando abrimos un libro, realmente no deberíamos esperar algo de él. Deberíamos confiar en el escritor y en el editor que decidió que el libro en tus manos valía la pena ser publicado y disfrutar de una nueva experiencia en sus página. Abrir el libro y sólo leer. Sólo leer. Esas dos palabras forman una absoluta filosofía aún no descubierta para la palpitante vida de la sabiduría.
Pero entre todas las cosas que deberíamos hacer, somos humanos a fin de cuentas. Somos humanos después de todo.
¿Y qué somos sin expectaciones? ¿Qué nos queda en nuestra infinita sed de conocimiento si no esperamos algo del mundo? Las cosas a nuestro alrededor son trampas y traiciones que aumentan nuestro deseo interior como personas.
Una mente necesita vida como nuestros pulmones necesitan aire, y un libro puede otorgar esa clase de vida. Pero no vida como los científicos a estudian, pero en el hipotético y poderoso significado de la palabra vida. Estar vivo es un resultado de tener expectaciones. Y quier decir vivo en el completo y absoluto significado de la palabra, más allá de las 4 letras que la conforman.
Un libro es una tentación de la vida. El estilo de la letra en el título, los colores de las palabras en la portada, las imágenes, los dibujos de la portada, la contraportada, las críticas. TODO en un libro promete algo. La portada nos promete algo mucho antes que la sinopsis. Todo promete algo.
Tal vez esa es la contradictoria de los libros.
No deberíamos esperar algo de un libro porque, al no hacerlo, tenemos más posibilidades de disfrutarlo. Pero todo en un libro es un constante truco y trampa. Un libro nos promete algo mucho antes de que siquiera podamos decidir no esperar algo de él.
Tal vez esa es la contradictoria de los libros.
Tal vez esa es la contradictoria de la vida.
CONCLUSIÓN: Intenta no esperar algo de un libro, sólo deja que te sorprenda.
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We aren’t really meant to expect things from a book. We shouldn’t, but we do.
We, as humans, are naturally tempted by our own humanity to expect something from everything, at least something. Our minds and curious souls are made that way, for us to expect things from what surrounds us.
A book, for example.
A book should be something that surprises us, the awakening object that opens the most amazing door in ourselves. That’s one of the reasons of their whole existence, in fact.
When we open a book, we shouldn’t really expect something from it. We should trust the writer and enjoy a new experience in a book. Open it and just read. Just read. Those two words are absolute not yet discovered philosophies for the beating life of wisdom.
But among all the things we should do, we’re human when we come to it. We’re human at the end of the day.
But what are we without expectations? What do we have left in our infinite thirst of knowledge if we don’t expect something from the world? Things around us are traps and personal betrayals that increase our inner desire as people. A mind needs life as lungs need air. Not life as scientists study it, but the hypothetical and powerful real meaning of life. Being alive is a result from having expectations. I mean alive as the full and complete meaning of it, beyond the 5 letters that form the word.
A book is tentation from life. The letter style of the title, the colors of the words in the cover, the pictures, the drawings of the cover itself, the back cover, the critics. Everything in a book promises something. The cover promises something as much as the synopsis does. Everything in a book promises something.
Maybe that’s the biggest contradictory of reading.
We shouldn’t really expect things from a book because not expecting something gives us more possibilities to enjoy. But everything in a book is a constant trick for us. A book promises something to us before we can even decide not to expect something from it.
Maybe that’s the biggest contradictory of reading.
Maybe that’s the biggest contradictory of life.
Try not to expect something from a book, just let it surprise you.
We aren’t really meant to expect things from a book. We shouldn’t, but we do.
We, as humans, are naturally tempted by our own humanity to expect something from everything, at least something. Our minds and curious souls are made that way, for us to expect things from what surrounds us.
A book, for example.
A book should be something that surprises us, the awakening object that opens the most amazing door in ourselves. That’s one of the reasons of their whole existence, in fact.
When we open a book, we shouldn’t really expect something from it. We should trust the writer and enjoy a new experience in a book. Open it and just read. Just read. Those two words are absolute not yet discovered philosophies for the beating life of wisdom.
But among all the things we should do, we’re human when we come to it. We’re human at the end of the day.
But what are we without expectations? What do we have left in our infinite thirst of knowledge if we don’t expect something from the world? Things around us are traps and personal betrayals that increase our inner desire as people. A mind needs life as lungs need air. Not life as scientists study it, but the hypothetical and powerful real meaning of life. Being alive is a result from having expectations. I mean alive as the full and complete meaning of it, beyond the 5 letters that form the word.
A book is tentation from life. The letter style of the title, the colors of the words in the cover, the pictures, the drawings of the cover itself, the back cover, the critics. Everything in a book promises something. The cover promises something as much as the synopsis does. Everything in a book promises something.
Maybe that’s the biggest contradictory of reading.
We shouldn’t really expect things from a book because not expecting something gives us more possibilities to enjoy. But everything in a book is a constant trick for us. A book promises something to us before we can even decide not to expect something from it.
Maybe that’s the biggest contradictory of reading.
Maybe that’s the biggest contradictory of life.
Try not to expect something from a book, just let it surprise you.
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