RESEÑA: a todos los chicos de los que me enamoré DE jenny han
SINOPSIS: Lara Jean guarda sus cartas de amor en una caja. No son cartas que le hayan enviado, las ha escrito ella, una por cada chico de los que se ha enamorado. En ellas se muestra tal cual es, porque sabe que nadie las leerá. Hasta que un día alguien las envía por equivocación y la vida amorosa de Lara Jean pasa de «imaginaria» a estar totalmente fuera de control.
Tenía muchas ganas de leer un libro romántico y fresco y si, al igual que yo, eso es lo que estáis buscando: este es el libro. Ansiaba leer esta novela desde hace meses. No nos vamos a engañar, probablemente no sea la mejor novela del año, pero su interior es tan adorable que vamos a pasar cualquier cosa negativa por alto. He quedado completamente encantado con esta novela.
Un detalle que me ha encantado es el origen de la protagonista. Por una vez, la protagonista no es la típica imagen de adolescente norteamericano. En este caso, es de origen coreano (como la autora). Quiero decir, no es la típica chica callada al fondo del salón que tiene finalmente una historia de amor como en todas las películas de adolescentes. De alguna forma, este libro es diferente.
Cuando escribo, me muestro tal como soy. Escribo como si él nunca fuese a leerla. Porque no lo hará nunca. Todos mis pensamientos secretos, todas mis observaciones minuciosas, todo lo que he ido guardando en mi interior, lo vierto todo en la carta. (...) No son cartas de amor en el sentido más estricto de la palabra. Mis cartas son para cuando ya no quiero seguir estando enamorada. Son una despedida.Es un libro juvenil y lo he disfrutado mucho, pero no les prometo nada asombroso.
A Todos los Chicos de los que me Enamoré es un libro entretenido y muy dulce, pero solo es para pasar el tiempo y disfrutar. Perfecto para estas vacaciones en la que me encuentro.
¿Me gustó? Sí.
¿Lo recomiendo? Es un libro muy hermoso, pero no es algo que "¡Debas leer"!" ni nada por el estilo.
¿Lo mejor del libro? Los momentos románticos y tiernos.
¿Lo peor del libro? El final. Esto es una novela compuesta por dos libros. No, no es una trilogía, sólo son dos. Y no me parece que la autora deba dejar un final abierto en el primer libro.
En mi opinión, los finales abiertos son más para los segundos libros (en caso de una trilogía) o para libros sin continuación. Pero el primer libro debería ser conclusivo, pero aún así con la habilidad de hacerte querer leer el próximo.
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book review: to all the boys i've loved before by JENNY HAN
SYNOPSIS: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is the story of Lara Jean, who has never openly admitted her crushes, but instead wrote each boy a letter about how she felt, sealed it, and hid it in a box under her bed. But one day Lara Jean discovers that somehow her secret box of letters has been mailed, causing all her crushes from her past to confront her about the letters: her first kiss, the boy from summer camp, even her sister's ex-boyfriend, Josh. As she learns to deal with her past loves face to face, Lara Jean discovers that something good may come out of these letters after all.
I was really looking forward to read a romantic and fresh book like this one. I won't lie, this might not be the best book of the year, but it's story is so cute that you'll love it anyway. I really liked this book!
A detail I've liked a lot is the protagonist's origin. For once, the protagonist isn't the typical American It-Girl. In this case, she has a korean origin (as the author). I mean, this isn't the typical quiet girl sitting at the end of the classroom that finally finds true love. This isn't the typical teenagers novel. Somehow, this book is different.
It's a book for yound readers and I've enjoyed it a lot. Still, I won't promise anything amazing from this book.
To All the Boys I've Loved Before is an entertaining and cute book, but it's just for spending time and enjoying.
Did I like it? A lot.
Do I recommend it? It's a beautiful book, but it's nothing "You Must Read" or anything like it. It's just a good book.
The best of the book? The romantic and cute moments.
The worst of the book? The ending. This is a story formed by two books. No, it's not a trilogy. There are just 2 books. And I don't think the author should leave an open ending in the first book.
In my opinion, open endings should go in second books (in case of a trilogy) or in books without any continuance. But the first book should be conclusive, but still with the ability of make you want to read more...
book review: to all the boys i've loved before by JENNY HAN
SYNOPSIS: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is the story of Lara Jean, who has never openly admitted her crushes, but instead wrote each boy a letter about how she felt, sealed it, and hid it in a box under her bed. But one day Lara Jean discovers that somehow her secret box of letters has been mailed, causing all her crushes from her past to confront her about the letters: her first kiss, the boy from summer camp, even her sister's ex-boyfriend, Josh. As she learns to deal with her past loves face to face, Lara Jean discovers that something good may come out of these letters after all.
I was really looking forward to read a romantic and fresh book like this one. I won't lie, this might not be the best book of the year, but it's story is so cute that you'll love it anyway. I really liked this book!
A detail I've liked a lot is the protagonist's origin. For once, the protagonist isn't the typical American It-Girl. In this case, she has a korean origin (as the author). I mean, this isn't the typical quiet girl sitting at the end of the classroom that finally finds true love. This isn't the typical teenagers novel. Somehow, this book is different.
It's a book for yound readers and I've enjoyed it a lot. Still, I won't promise anything amazing from this book.
To All the Boys I've Loved Before is an entertaining and cute book, but it's just for spending time and enjoying.
Did I like it? A lot.
Do I recommend it? It's a beautiful book, but it's nothing "You Must Read" or anything like it. It's just a good book.
The best of the book? The romantic and cute moments.
The worst of the book? The ending. This is a story formed by two books. No, it's not a trilogy. There are just 2 books. And I don't think the author should leave an open ending in the first book.
In my opinion, open endings should go in second books (in case of a trilogy) or in books without any continuance. But the first book should be conclusive, but still with the ability of make you want to read more...
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