reseña: onyx de jennifer L. armentrout
Desde que Daemon me curó con sus poderes alienígenas, vivimos conectados. Y él está empeñado en demostrarme que sus sentimientos hacia mí no se deben solo a nuestra extraña unión extraterrestre. Me he propuesto no acercarme a él, a pesar de que me resulta complicado resistirme a sus encantos.
Pero tenemos problemas más graves. Algo peor que los Arum ha llegado al pueblo...
El Departamento de Defensa está aquí. Si descubren que Daemon tiene poderes y que estamos conectados, podemos darnos por muertos. Además, hay un chico nuevo en el instituto. Y tengo la sensación de que guarda un secreto.
El libro se vuelve más emocionante conforme va avanzando la historia, hay muchos giros de 360 grados que hicieron que me detenga un momento y piense en lo que acababa de pasar.
Jennifer L. Armentrout tiene la capacidad de atraparte desde la primera página y que que el libro sea parte de ti, pegado a tus manos. El comienzo es lento y cuando piensas que nada más puede pasar en unas cuantas páginas ¡BAM! te sorprende de nuevo. Su manera de escribir es sencilla e ingeniosa, llena de frases estupendas y con un ritmo ágil...
Una cosa que debes saber sobre la pluma de Jennifer L. Armentrout: una vez pruebas con sus letras, NECESITAS repetir.
Teniendo en cuenta que estamos hablando de una saga de cinco libros, cualquiera podría pensar, que hay mucho relleno de por medio y que llegará alguno que no aportará nada nuevo a la historia.Pero todo cambia en este libro. Todo. Un mundo nuevo y fascinante al que te recomiendo que te unas...
¿El final? inesperado y te deja con ganas insufribles de leer el siguiente.
¿El propósito de esta reseña? Decirte que debes unirte a este mundo en la saga LUX.
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Being connected to Daemon Black sucks…
Thanks to his alien mojo, Daemon’s determined to prove what he feels for me is more than a product of our bizarro connection. So I’ve sworn him off, even though he’s running more hot than cold these days. But we’ve got bigger problems.
Something worse than the Arum has come to town…
The Department of Defense are here. If they ever find out what Daemon can do and that we're linked, I’m a goner. So is he. And there's this new boy in school who’s got a secret of his own. He knows what’s happened to me and he can help, but to do so, I have to lie to Daemon and stay away from him. Like that's possible. Against all common sense, I'm falling for Daemon. Hard.
But then everything changes…
I’ve seen someone who shouldn’t be alive. And I have to tell Daemon, even though I know he’s never going to stop searching until he gets the truth. What happened to his brother? Who betrayed him? And what does the DOD want from them—from me?
No one is who they seem. And not everyone will survive the lies…
The series turns even more exciting while the story moves on, there are many 360° turns which made me stop and think twice what had just happened.
Jennifer L. Armentrout has the ability to hook since the very first page and make the book a part of you, stuck in your hands. The beginning is slow and when you think that nothing more can happen in a few more pages, BAM!, she surprises you again. Her writing is quite simple, smart, full of amazing quotes and with an agile rhythm.
One thing you must know about these books is that: once you taste its words, you NEED more.
Given that we're talking about a series of fice book, you might think that there'll be much filler in between and that there won't be anything new in the story. But everything changes in this book. Everything. A new amazing world opens its door to your mind, and I advise you to join me there.
The ending? Unexpected and leaves me wishing for more...
The purpose of this book review? Make you join me in this fantastic world in Lux Series.
Being connected to Daemon Black sucks…
Thanks to his alien mojo, Daemon’s determined to prove what he feels for me is more than a product of our bizarro connection. So I’ve sworn him off, even though he’s running more hot than cold these days. But we’ve got bigger problems.
Something worse than the Arum has come to town…
The Department of Defense are here. If they ever find out what Daemon can do and that we're linked, I’m a goner. So is he. And there's this new boy in school who’s got a secret of his own. He knows what’s happened to me and he can help, but to do so, I have to lie to Daemon and stay away from him. Like that's possible. Against all common sense, I'm falling for Daemon. Hard.
But then everything changes…
I’ve seen someone who shouldn’t be alive. And I have to tell Daemon, even though I know he’s never going to stop searching until he gets the truth. What happened to his brother? Who betrayed him? And what does the DOD want from them—from me?
No one is who they seem. And not everyone will survive the lies…
The series turns even more exciting while the story moves on, there are many 360° turns which made me stop and think twice what had just happened.
Jennifer L. Armentrout has the ability to hook since the very first page and make the book a part of you, stuck in your hands. The beginning is slow and when you think that nothing more can happen in a few more pages, BAM!, she surprises you again. Her writing is quite simple, smart, full of amazing quotes and with an agile rhythm.
One thing you must know about these books is that: once you taste its words, you NEED more.
Given that we're talking about a series of fice book, you might think that there'll be much filler in between and that there won't be anything new in the story. But everything changes in this book. Everything. A new amazing world opens its door to your mind, and I advise you to join me there.
The ending? Unexpected and leaves me wishing for more...
The purpose of this book review? Make you join me in this fantastic world in Lux Series.
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